Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The boys they are a growin

The boys continue to grow too fast. Cooper is 8 weeks old today, and Braden will be 4 this summer. Cooper is starting to smile and developing his own little personality. Braden is growing like a weed, and is no longer a baby :( This weekend we signed Braden up to play t-ball. I can't beleive it, but I can't wait to watch him play either! I attached some new pictures.


The Cornelisons said...

Your boys are too precious. I love to see them and think "man my life is just too similar to Stacy's!". Griffin is 5 weeks old and we are going to let Greyson start taking tennis with other 4 year olds in just a few short months. Time does fly!

Anonymous said...

Super cute pics! I'll call ya for lunch sometime soon.