Friday, January 23, 2009

Time Flies

Well as you all know, I am long overdue on another post. Since we had Cooper, the time just seems to fly by. I think it has something to do with having 2 little ones now. Hard to believe Cooper will be 6 weeks old in just a matter of days. We took him to the doctor last week and he was 12 pounds! Now the scale says he is approaching 13 pounds! It is amazing how much formula we go through in a week. Real food will be right around the corner for Mr. Cooper. I have also discovered that Cooper is tongue tied, something I had never heard of, so we have an appointment Monday for a clipping. I am a little nervous, but I understand it is pretty routine these days.

Cooper is sleeping 3 to 4 hours at a time, so luckily Brian gets up once in the middle of the night, and I get up once in the early morning. This go around seems so much easier and neither of us are totally drained or sleep deprived as we were with Braden. Cooper is going to spend the night in his crib for the first time tonight. I am a little worried, but we'll see.